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Getting more from 2024 Being Relentless Being You!

Updated: Feb 25

As we wade into a new year, it is highly likely we are all setting different goals for ourselves, our families, and teams, in doing so having the right networks, relationships, connections, advisors, coaches and mentors in our lives is an incredibly powerful factor for success. The Club of Doing Well Doing Good is the trusted community that supports connection and growth to help you, your teams, your business, and your own personal communities connect and grow together.

For many years now the right people at the right time have added so much to my life and to the lives of those people who I am privileged to be working with, and I am grateful to be able to share knowledge, resources and experiences with everyone on their unique journeys through life as we aim to Do Well and Do Good.

The Club of Doing Well Doing Good is ultimately all about giving you a trusted network of networks to create meaningful connections, new relationships, and trusted partnerships, while engaging new clients, growing your business, accessing membership resources, and working with likeminded people who are committed to connecting and growing together while Doing Well and Doing Good for each other.

There is then a lot to offer you here and to understand how you can leverage the network to be relentless in achieving your goals by Doing Well Doing Good, we first need to understand what you may want and need, why you want and need those things, and how we can be supportive in the delivery of them.

Personally, I believe deeply in meaningful connection and growth. Doing Well Doing Good is therefore focused on supporting the growth of people, mindset, teams, businesses, and developing others by leading ourselves first which is incredibly important to me and the values by which we develop the club. I also believe whole heartedly in never asking anyone to do what I am not prepared to do myself as we all need support from people we respect and that comes from demonstrating that we will Do as we Say when the time comes.


To continue demonstrating this is at my core and to show my willingness to push the boundaries of what’s possible, this year at 47 years old I am continuing to lead myself on a journey of Doing Well Doing Good by being an example to my family, team and community. To do so I will be running the London Marathon in 2024 for charity, completing my first 24 hour 100 mile Ultra Marathon in 2025 for myself, while also training to become the World Super League Kickboxing Champion within 3 years, and aiming to positively impact the lives of a billion people within the next decade. This then is all about working directly with more people like you to Be Relentless in their own lives, as we scale up our expectations and demand more from life getting more from 2024 as we all Do Well and Do Good.

And on a very positive note to end, we can already sense there is a greater positive energy and enthusiasm going in to 2024, and I am really looking forward to connecting with you soon and in the meantime remember this wonderful quote.

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