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240X your life with an Opportunity Mindset

Self, Health, Family, Team, Community, Country and then everybody else.

240X your life with an Opportunity Mindset

After navigating my way out of homelessness, and advancing through a wild life of challenging circumstances, I took on the steepest, most dynamic section of the Nile, and won, leading me to think very differently about life, business, and how the positive transformation of myself could make a difference by Doing Well Doing Good with an Opportunity Mindset.

In taking on the Nile I became one of a few rafters to complete Murchison Falls, bringing the total number of people to complete the river up to about 25, roughly .06% of the 4,000+ who have stood atop Mt. Everest.

Today I am on a journey to become the World Super League Kickboxing Champion within 3 years, while positively impacting the lives of a billion people within the next decade.

As I move through this journey I am supporting individuals, teams and business leaders to create opportunities for revenue growth and personal development, while changing lives.

I believe in Self, Health, Family, Team, Community, Country and then everybody else.

Contact me directly for more information.

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